How to Dress a Spell Candle

What Is Candle Dressing?

Candle dressing is a process in which you adhere oils and herbs to a candle to add more intention, love and magic to the burning of the candle. This is often done with a spell/chime candle, for a specific spell with herbs that have the proper correspondence. However you can dress whatever candle you would like to!

In this post I will be showing you how I dressed this 7” candle to help me positively heal in my spirituality. The nice thing about dressing this sized candle is that you can use it for a spell that you focus on every day for a week. I know this candle burns for 6hrs so I can spend 45minutes or so with the candle every evening for a whole week!

UPDATE - 7-15-22 - Below is a new video to accompany this post! In this video I am dressing a chime candle with calming herbs but the process is the same :)

UPDATE - 9-22-23 - Edit If you want dressed candles but do not have the time to do the whole process yourself, I now offer dressed spell candles in my shop! There are a lot of different styles to suit your needs!

Steps to Dress a Candle

Step 1 : Find and prep your materials for the spell.

You will need;

  • your candle

  • a carving tool

  • dressing oil (any oil)

  • herbs

  • herb grinder

  • piece of paper

  • candle holder

Magic is highly personal so alter any of these items as you see fit! These items can be substituted for many things.

You can grind the herbs with scissors,or your hands if you don’t have a mortar and pestle. Or a food processor!

You could put your candle in a glass with sand or salt in the bottom if you don’t have a candle holder! Or you could even take your completed candle to the beach and stick it in the sand there! Its all about what works for you.

shredded calendula ready for dressing a candle

Step 2: Prepare the herbs for the dressing

Grind these herbs up into super small pieces for the safest spell. Using a mortar and pestle allows for more direct attention and intention to be infused into the herbal dressing! Make sure you grind them up into a fine powder. If you leave the chunks to big, they can catch on fire! This could make the spell more exciting though, so keep that in mind while deciding. Its all about what you want!

It can be especially enjoyable to select herbs that smell good while burning. Herbs that are in incense mixes would be great selections. That way when the herbs burn, the smell will help you focus on the spell you are casting! Its all about focus and intention, and I know I can get distracted sometimes so making sure that most of my senses are involved in the spell crafting process keeps me present and aware of my intention and my true Will.

Carved ritual candle

Step 3: Carve the Candle

Use an Athame or a toothpick/wand to scrape sigils or intentional words associated with your spell into the candle. I write the words from the tip of the candle to the base and I spin the candle clockwise as I repeatedly write the word into the candle. This clockwise motion helps bring what you are carving to you. (Carve base to tip and spin counter clockwise if you wish to banish.)

I carved the word “connection” into this candle so as to help me connect with my higher self and healing positivity!

I just used English words here but sigils, other languages, poetry, pictures can all be carved into candles depending on what you want the outcome to be.

There are fundamental al-chemical or occult alphabets you could use, but it is best to use a language you are familiar with cause you know the meaning you are imbuing into the candle through carving.

Perhaps if I wanted to connect with ETs or inter-dimensional beings and speak to them in light language, I could have carved light language into the candle! I don’t know light language yet so English worked fine for me!

oiled ritual candle

Step 4: Apply Oil to the Candle

Apply oil to the candle, again with a finger from the tip of the candle to the base, rotating clockwise (opposite for banishing).

I used an almond massage oil, but you can use whatever oil you have on hand. Keep in mind this could be another layer of magic you are adding to the candle! You could use a face oil you use every day for a glamour magic spell. Or a massage oil to help you release tension. There are so many options! However if you only have cooking oil in the house, that is perfect too!

Oiling the candle after carving it really helps the herbs to adhere well. Do not skip these steps or it is more likely your herbs will fall off!

Step 5: Roll the Candle in Herbs

Now sprinkle the herbs you prepared onto that piece of paper. Roll the oiled up candle towards you, covering the candle in the herbs. Even if the herbs don’t stick very well (though they should) the intention is what matters here. As you roll the candle imagine what you are trying to bring to yourself coming to you. Truly embody the energy and emotions you will feel when that thing/energy comes to you.

My completed Calendula dressed higher self connection candle.

UPDATE - Version 2 Photos


Chime candle dressed with calming herbs to help me relax :)

And that is how you dress a spell candle! It is a simple process and a rather inexpensive one at that. If you gather the herbs yourself this can be completed for cents! And you get a beautiful candle when you are done as well! I would definitely suggest trying this out! See how you like it! It may even become something you start to do with all your spells!

And so it is,

With much love,


Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming Grimoire Spreads


Beeswax Candle Magic