Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming Grimoire Spreads

Journaling and creating art are amazing meditation tools to help you focus on manifesting what you want. I have created a couple of grimoire spreads that have helped me in my interplanetary travels. Those spreads are my Astral Projection spreads, and my Lucid Dreaming spread. With all of this creative focus directed towards having these experiences, I have been lucky enough to have a few OBEs (out of body experiences)! Since I hope to have more of these experience, I see a lot more of these spreads in my future.

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Astral Travel Page

This page is in my Grimoire. I made it with assorted papers, this one in particular is a watercolor on craft paper that I did when I was in elementary school. Thanks mom for keeping it all these years! The blue color is great because that is a hue the astral realm can have.

One of the secrets of my Grimoire spreads is finding or coming up with fonts that match the theme of a spread. Also using metallic pens as an accent can really help your spreads to soar!

The rest of the information on this page is basic, so I have left some room so that as I grow in this practice I will be able to add more to this page!

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Astral Portal Page

This is a metallic portal page that I can use as an astral portal. It is the perfect size for my hand to fit on it so that I can warp through it. I like to leave my Grimoire open to this page on nights where I want to astral project.

This page is black, then I used metal insulation tape for the mirror, and I cut out a vintage peachy folder for the frame. I also created a Sigil that I drew on the black paper first before I put the metal tape down. I also put sigils around it.

I got the idea of using an astral portal from The Lucid Mage on youtube. He has done a lot of lucid dream journaling if you want more inspiration for that.

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Astral Protections Page

Protection is a very important thing when in the astral. It is all about generating confidence so that your travels are filled with positive energy.

This page covers how to create a bubble of love around yourself. This is something I do frequently. Sometimes I expand it out around my whole house!

This page also covers my astral weapons. I did a meditation on this and It came to me that rainbow bubbles floating out of my heart were my astral weapons. I can then direct them with my hands. I have used this tool in the astral and It worked! The bubbles are filled with love so they are powerful ways to transmute energy.

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Invisibility Cloak Page

This page is a combination of a scan from a book I printed out. I then water-colored over the top of it all around the edges. When I used a silver gel pen to show the astral cord I decided to make this the Invisibility Cloak page. I added the cloak a cut out from some scrap fabric! I tried to add definition to the fabric with a silver sharpy. It only shows up a little there.

This is a spell I got the idea for from Elizabeth April, but then I adapted it for myself and what works for me. I like using hand motions to help define the boundaries of energy.

This is a spell I do when I feel I need to enforce boundaries. It also works well when I go outside in the dark without a flashlight to get something from a shed.

Psychic Attacks SpreadI have had shadow figures hang out in the corners of my room a lot when I astral project, so I researched Psychic Attacks. This page has vintage black and white photos flip outs (washi taped in) that I drew silver eyes on. You may be able to see the silver eyes in the darkness of the photos. This page has some more growing to do, but this is where it is now!

Psychic Attacks Spread

I have had shadow figures hang out in the corners of my room a lot when I astral project, so I researched Psychic Attacks. This page has vintage black and white photos flip outs (washi taped in) that I drew silver eyes on. You may be able to see the silver eyes in the darkness of the photos. This page has some more growing to do, but this is where it is now!

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Lucid Dreaming Grimoire Spread

This page talks about basics of lucid dreaming, reality checks, dream journaling and Dream signs.

This page is designed with tombow dual-brush pens and silver gel-pens and a fountain pen.

I have been dream journaling for years, and because of that I have found a handful of dream signs. These are signs that when they happen, they show me I am in a dream. Dream signs are personal and once you learn them It will make lucid dreaming so much easier!

Dream Signs SpreadSince I have so many dream signs I started a page to put visual representations of them on. This page was from an old text book and I just glued it right into my Grimoire. I do that frequently when I need more space. There is a pocket on the right page that I have a card tucked into. This card lists places I would like to go, and things I would like to do in the dream realm. I know when I lucid dream I sometimes have difficulty remembering what I would like to do with that lucidity and sometimes because of that lack of intention I fall out of lucidity. Thats where this list comes in! Now I can remember that when I lucid dream next I can visit Hobbiton or Rivendell!

Dream Signs Spread

Since I have so many dream signs I started a page to put visual representations of them on. This page was from an old text book and I just glued it right into my Grimoire. I do that frequently when I need more space.

There is a pocket on the right page that I have a card tucked into. This card lists places I would like to go, and things I would like to do in the dream realm. I know when I lucid dream I sometimes have difficulty remembering what I would like to do with that lucidity and sometimes because of that lack of intention I fall out of lucidity. Thats where this list comes in! Now I can remember that when I lucid dream next I can visit Hobbiton or Rivendell!

As usual there are many empty spaces for my journal and I to grow. Gotta love that breathing room. Do you guys dream journal or have any before bed rituals to help you in the dream realm? I would love to hear about it!

And, with that you have seen my astral projection and lucid dream Grimoire spreads! I hope you enjoyed this peek into my grimoire, and I hope these helped to inspire you to try magical dream journaling!

And so it is!

With much love,

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Shilajit & Activated Charcoal Grimoire Spreads


How to Dress a Spell Candle