Shilajit & Activated Charcoal Grimoire Spreads

Today I have a Grimoire with me to share with you! I have created a spread to record what I have learned about Shilajit and Activated charcoal, two black substances I have been using in my spiritual practice more recently! And I have a surprise for you today… drumroll please……..

I have a video of the spread! Woo hoo! and here it is.

How do you like the quick video yall!? I loved making it for you! Anyway here is the information that is on the grimoire pages and some thoughts

Shilajit Grimoire Page

Shilajit Grimire Page Stamped.png

Shilajit is the sanskrit word meaning “rock - invincible” or “destroyer of weakness”. It is a rejuvinator as well as an adaptagen increasing the bodies resiliance against stress. Shilajit has been used in aurevedic medicine for thousands of years to help people overcome fear and weakness.

There is a quote from Dune “Fear is the Mind Killer” and something that rings true to me is that “Shilajit is the Fear Killer”. So this means that you can bring much more presence and awareness to your life by integrating this lesson that shilajit has to teach you. When you have your mindfulness, whatever comes ends up being ok, because it is. And all that is is meant to be. As penglos would say, we live in the best of all possible worlds!

The Page Design

The black craft paper is written on with silver gel pen. I used a lace cut out from a magazine which I wrote on with a paint pen. The Shilajit chunk is made of Silicone glue to get the shiny texture. It is glued on top of metalic paper cutouts. A simple but impactful page!

Activated Charcoal Grimoire Page

Activated Charcoal Grimire Page Stamped.png

Activated charcoal is a fine black powder made from heated wood that is then oxidized. This compound has been used in Chineese & Aurevedic medical traditions for 10,000+ years!


  • detoxification (heavy metals)

  • adsorption of toxins

  • clear out intestines


  • add 1/4 tsp of activated charcoal to a glass of water every weak to detox the system. Caution this may cause bloating.

  • Increase to 1/2tsp if desired.

  • Do not take activated charcoal with vitamins. The detoxifying nature of activated charcoal will likely decrease the absorbtion of your vitamins in your system at that time. I like to take activated charcoal in the morning on a day I don’t take vitamins. Then I take vitamins the following day If needed.

The Page Design.
I painted on perimeter ofthis page with leftover paint about a year ago, then for the rest I used a mix of a Paint pen and my favorite fountain pen!

I hope you love these pages as much as I do! Maybe you think they are pretty enough to add to your own journal with your own spin! I would love to hear about it in the comments below this blog post or below the youtube video on my channel!

And so it is!

With much love,

marina signature.png


Travelers Notebook Setup for Bullet Journal Lovers


Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming Grimoire Spreads