How to Make Wax Seals - DIY Sealing Wax Setup

Do you ever feel like you need that extra umph in your paper-crafting spreads? Well wax seals might be the perfect addition to your collaging! You might even be able to make your own sealing wax setup from things you have at home!

Making Sealing Wax - DIY Recipe

This sealing wax is a classic recipe all over the internet and it works pretty darn well! You use two 1/2 inch chunks of crayon of your desired color and one 1/2 inch chunk of a glue stick.

I store all my pre-chunked chunks in an old herbalife container hahaha

These pieces are then mixed together in a spoon over a flame until combined.

mixing up some sealing wax with my thrifted setup using a bent paperclip as a stirring poker!

I personally like to remove the spoon from the flame once the crayon chunks have melted, then I continue to stir until the glue stick chunk has melted and combined. This prevents the wax from overheating, bubbling and smoking.

Once the concoction is combined you can pour it out onto a piece of granite or a tile to help it cool faster then you plunge your sealing stamp onto the wax pool. Speaking of sealing stamps, lets make some of those!

Making The Wax Seal Stamps

I love metal seals but unless you have a lot of metal working tools, those can be very difficult to manufacture on your own. I have opted to use rubber traditionally used for making rubber stamps! This is easy to carve and get a good deal of detail in as well! For my first seal I wanted to make a metatrons cube pattern because that holds a lot of meaning for me but it also has a lot of straight lines and can be easy to cut!

My metatrons cube wax seal all carved up and glued onto a cork!

If you need directions on how to cut a stamp accurately I suggest you follow this video! The instructions are very clear and concise and that video is how I learned to cut lines into rubber!

I used a silicone based glue (fabri-tac) to glue the rubber stamps to the cork handles. This type of glue has some stretch to it so the natural stretch of the rubber wont break the stamp off of the handle.

I also made some seals with coins glued to corks as well! This is a great usage of a coin collection since silicone glue wont effect the coins!


The Seals

Here are some of my favorite seals that I made in this batch!


Metatrons cube wax seal

Simple heart wax seal

The sealing wax spread complete with seals and stamps


I am so happy that these seals turned out so well! It was so fun to make them! Now that these seals are all made in advance I can glue them into whatever collage of grimoire spread I want to! What a great crafting resource to have at our fingertips!

I hope this can help to inspire you to use wax seals in your collaging! There are so many magical patterns you could carve! The options are truly endless!

And so it is!

With much love,



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