DIY Book of Shadows Binder - From an old Photo Album

I have filled up a book of shadows signature in my Travelers Notebook and now it is time to make a binder to store it in! This will be my Book of Shadows Binder! Made from a vintage photo album with glue and elastic, this will hold about seven signatures in it! That my friend it a lot of healed trauma and personal expansion!

See the whole process in the video below!

The Photo Gallery

This binder was so much fun to make! And it was so easy! I explain the whole process in the video so watch that for a step by step explanation. I just wanted to share the lovely photos of this finished binder with you, and explain my magical process!

The leather cover of this binder was from a vintage photo album from my great grandmother.

These three bookmarks are likely more than I could ever need in this journal but they make me happy

All together I love how this binder turned out! I am excited to use it in the years to come.

The inside of the front cover, complete with the original photo album title page. Now I can remember this binders roots!

My first shadow work signature nestled cozily in this new binder.

Here you can see the moon design I painted on the inner spine. The elastic was a thrifted spool intended for sweing. But the pink color works perfect here!

Adding the Magic & Meaning

I added magic to the construction of this binder by making it out of my great grandmothers photo album. I know the lineage of this side of my family rather well and knowing that they came from Scotland gives me the ability to use this to connect to my Scottish roots more deeply.

Since the photo album is from my ancestors, I am using this book to help me store my shadow work signatures. A good portion of the shadow work I do is centered around healing inter-generational and epigenetic trauma, leaving behind the cycles that no longer serve my genetic line. In this way the vintage photo album being reinvented to serve these purposes is almost poetic its so magical! The item and intention are perfectly paired. I often find when I make these things the meaning evolves as I am making it. This is where some really meaningful magic can happen, In the making process.

With that I hope you folks get inspired to tackle your ancestral trauma to resolve it! Also making books is fun and worth trying if you’ve never done it before!

And so it is!

With much love,


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