Six Month TN Review & July Plan With Me

Welcome to Summer everyone! As the temperature changes so do the things I need out of my bullet journal and Travelers Notebook! Today I share the process of reassessing my needs in my travelers notebook and Changing up my system for my July plan with me! (Dutch doors might be involved!)

Travelers Notebook Changes

I have made a couple of changes to my travelers notebook since the beginning of the year. This includes removing my research signature! I needed to fit my chonky TN in a new purse, and this alteration allowed me to do this! I now record my research and projects in my book of shadows signature (lets be honest… I was already doing this as it was…)

The next change I made was adding a regular ballpoint pen to my setup! I have a lot of things to write down when I sell my candles at the farmers market, so having this allows me to write quickly on lots of surfaces just in case.

Thats all the changes to the TN! Now lets dig into the bullet journal changes.

Summer Bullet Journal Adaptations

There are a couple of changes I made this month in my bullet journal. There are also some things that stayed the same, This calendar and moon phase goals planning duo spread for example. I have been using this combo for a couple of months not and I love it so its staying. Though this month it gets some summer flower designs!


My calendar and moon phase goals page


Changing my Habit Tracker

This summer I have a lot of weird small tasks to complete! With that comes long lists that need a space to live.

I have been functioning in my bullet journal at the weekly scale and I love that for the winter and spring, but now that summer is at full force I am so happy to be able to change my system for July so that I can take up a whole page for every day! But where then praytell will I be able to track my habits? Fearnot, I will use a dutch door of course! I have never done this in my bullet journal but I am totally psyched to try it in this super functional way.

My old habit tracker style with a gingham pattern for every day of the week!

updated habits column that the dutch door pages can still see!


I now implement a dutch door system allowing me to only need to write my habits down once a month instead of weekly! Each daily page following the habits page will be trimmed down 3 columns, just enough space to be able to read these habits! Then I can track habits on every page without having to flip around!

So there you have it! A couple of super helpful changes for the new season! If you don’t already, make sure you let yourself have the space you need on your pages. I struggle with this sometimes and I am now reminding myself again, It is ok to take up space! Our thoughts, feelings, Ideas and doodles are valid and deserve the space to breathe. Just as we do.

And so it is!

With much love,


Upgrading Grimoire Pages


Litany Against Fear - Grimoire With Me